Friday, September 15, 2006

City of Orange Candidates Forum

The City of Orange Chamber of Commerce held its 2006 canddates forum this evening. All I can say is, oh my we are in trouble with the possible future!

Lets start with the Mayoral Race:

The candidate's that were there:

Carolyn Cavecche, Mayor Pro Tem
Mike Alvarez, Orange Businessman
Juan Pablo Serra Neiblas (1st time I saw this guy, scary), Shaman (huh?)

Interesting that Mrs. Andrea Simmons-England did not show up. My understanding from an e-mail or 2 is that perhaps she is just a product of the Alvarez for Mayor campaign, very tricky and very smart!

The questions were all more or less tame, however the Irvine Company was the focus of the Cahmber of Commerce this evening.

Mike Alvarez made it very clear that he was against all development in the East and Cavecche made a comment that in 2000 the council had approved homes. Alvarez responded that he never approved 4000 homes in 2000 because it is so wrong to do to the community.

FACT CHECK-- I called a long time friend to me and she is very involved in watching what occurs with the city and asked....the answer, Alvarez is correct, but is playing a game. He indeed didn't approve 4000 homes, the project at the time was much larger. She went on to say, that Cavecche and the current city council really are the winners on this deal in that they held the Irvine Company to the fire.

A question then came up on contributions from the Irvine Company and a Paul Hernadez? 1st if anybody can tell me who Mr. Hernadez is I would like to know why he is important enough to drag into this.

Carolyn Caveeche, answered that indeed she had received some contributions and there were all legal, and that the Irvine Company doesn't endorse candiates.

Mike Alvarez, answered that he had never received and money from The Irvine Company, Mr. Hernadez, Irvine Company partners or any contractors or sub contractors.

Juan Pablo...Went on about the "crooked politicians"

So the question to the blogging world...can anybody prove Alvarez has ever received a contribution from any of the aboved named sources. I find it very hard to believe that in his career as a councilman and sitting on over boards that he "NEVER" received any money.

1 last question that caught my ear was support for Measure M.

Carolyn Cavecche, had stated, she wanted the voters to decided.

Mike Alvarez, He was against the 1st one and is against this one. Also, he has been against all taxes and has never supported a tax increase.

Juan Pablo---Said that goverment

Fact Check- Cavecche who is an OCTA Board Member, and this would support her position with OCTA. I truly would like an answer to this important question.


The night for the Mayoral Candidates for the City of Orange, I would lable Mr. Mike Alvarez as the winner. He looked like a Mayor. Now I am still going between the 2 leaders, and I think Cavecche is solid, in the case of the candidates forum....Mr. Alvarez, congrats!


My thoughts on the City Council Candidates will come in the next couple of days when I get back from Santa Barbara.

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