Thursday, September 14, 2006

Alvarez 9-11 event and my impressions!

(9-14-06)...1st let me start with a thanks, I thought this posted and some how it dodn't make it to the page, so again thanks for the e-mail asking the question.

Mike Alvarez and his shameless attempt at using the tragic events of 9-11 and Ambriz's death to make money for his campaign!

Well, I didn't go to the Citrus City Grill in the traffic circle of orange for the fundraiser, but I did drive by and it appear Alvarez had roughly 30 people. It was hard to grab a good number because the resturant was open for business so they had regular customers as well.

The candlelight vigl was very interesting. 1st I had no idea what was going on, Alvarez was talking, and I couldn't hear him at all. He needed a sound system, but according to an early post and comment, apparently he doesn't pay his bills and maybe he couldn't find anybody to help. Oh well.

So the vigil, it was ok, it wasn't great but at least it was a total "Pass the Hat" for Mike nigt. I shoke hands with a number of elected officials that night, but the funniest was Carolyn Cavecche..why funny, I said HI, told her the general area I live and that the race will be interesting. Her answer...Hey you, it so nice to see you again...(Hmmm, have we met) Thanks for your support..(again, hmmm..I not sure who I am supporting), but the part that was really funny she was always looking around. Make eye contact and hold it, my goodness.

Ok so enough, I saw all the city council there expect for smith, and i saw just about ever city council candidate, I even spoke with Phil Martinez and asked him if all the unions were behind him again like they were when he lost to Steve Rocco in the OUSD board race. He didn't answer, looked more shocked.

So, the vigil had a nice bagpipe presentation and a song and a quick speech by Mike Alvarez, candidate for Mayor of Orange.

But, Mike, a suggestions....when your a candlelight vigil that you are doing everything for, HAVE CANDLES!!!! They're a lot of people that didn't have any candles and wanted some. You should spend 20 bucks and get a 100 or so candles.

Well, thats it, in the end it wasn't as tasteless as I thought, however it was still very obvious that Alvarez was doing this for political gain,

So again, I have to kudos to Carolyn Cavecche, as she took the high road again and should what leadership is.

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