Friday, September 29, 2006

Rudat opens here mouth, sorta of....

This is now posted on the OC Registers "Total Buzz Blog".

On Wednesday, I left messages at two of Orange City Council candidate Carol Rudat's (aka Beach Bunny) phone numbers and one at an e-mail address that Orange reporter Ellyn Pak was given by Rudat. My messages were all basically the same: I was going to be on KOCE's "Real Orange" news program that evening and I wanted to talk to her about the race -- specifically about issues over her residency as I expected that would be discussed on the show.

This morning, I got an e-mail back from Rudat -

She deserves to have her say. While it does not satisfy questions I might ask, I've copied the e-mail in its entirety, unedited in any way.

The campaign manager she refers to is former state legislator John Lewis, who was indicted in 1986 for forging Ronald Reagan's signature on a campaign mailer. The case was later dismissed and Lewis, then in the Assembly, went on to be elected to the Senate -- and re-elected, until being termed out. Lewis is now a campaign consultant well established in mainstream county Republican politics. He has worked on Sheriff Mike Carona's campaigns and is now working on the campaigns of Orange Mayor Mark Murphy and council candidate Denis Bilodeau. In short, Rudat has picked a serious hombre to tangle with.

Lewis came to the phone when I rang this morning and said that nobody was ever convicted in the forgery case. And he pointed out that Rudat's e-mail offered nothing about her own positions, history or residency issues. "When you can't defend yourself, you attack or smear someone else."

It does seem that Rudat could present the strongest challenge to Murphy and Bilodeau, and that the residency issue isn't helping her.

-- Martin Wisckol

Carol Rudat's e-mail of Sept. 29

Martin, this is a private e-mail address and not for use other than my business.

I understand you already wrote your article, is that correct? Today is the 29th. I was out working all day yesterday and the day before until late and have not been able to check e-mails until now. I picked up your phone message yesterday, all after your 27th KOCE TV event.

It is unfortunate my opposition, the gentlemen, have nothing good to say about themselves and can only promote negativism against their strongest contender, me. Is the reporting staff doing back ground checks on the public information available for those who work in public office areas whether volunteer or paid? Don't you think this should be something investigated?

A specific campaign manager who was indicted for mail fraud but did not go to prison due to a small technicality (but his partner did, the event occurred in the mid 1980's election). The mailer falsely represented President Regan as sending the letter and had the White House as the return address, this is how they were caught, returned mail. These type of events/issues clearly shows the ethics of the campaign manager. I heard a saying once, 'people hire those who have the same ethics as themselves'. This was a statement made when discussing attorneys who are retained by clients. This campaign manager also managed the campaign for two current county supervisors.

My and a few others Campaign signs are constantly taken down but not any for one of these gentlemen, (only one has signs out and the other gentlemen does not as of yet). They even called the city and presented themselves as property owners complaining about signs being on their property and wanted them removed. The city went onto private property and removed the signs. Most if not all the business property owners have property managers and most owners do not live in this state let alone the county of orange. Do you think the business owners would have made the call if they have professional property managers?

Continued games of the 'boys club'.

You can call me but you cannot e-mail me. Again, this is a private e-mail address.
Carol Rudat

**My thoughts, Carol you don't live in the city. You may be able to get this past the voters, however if your successful in winning your seat, it will be a shame.

I think the jig is up, also I was witness to seeing signs coming down, this was done by the City of Orange in a white ford truck and I followed them for 8 blocks. They didn't care who was who, they pulled everybody's sign. I asked the one guy if they throw the signs away and see said theey hold them for a period time, in case the candidate wants them back. So my suggestion to you BEACH BUNNY, call somebody and figure out where your signs are at and then drive up from Newport Beach and put them back out.

As for the "Old Boys Club" What the heck is that, do they have meetings or get togethers...if so let me know who the members are.

So I will do this again,

Mrs. Rudat, where do live and how long? Can you explain the current negative questions surrounding your residency?

Feel free to e-mail me at I will give you the same respect and not publish your contact info.

The clock is ticking....

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