Wednesday, July 26, 2006

City Council meeting....where was it ?

Sorry, I have been so slow to post anything new. After I erased the whole blog, I really was discouraged. Also, with it being summertime and the kids are not in school, I find myself with very little time to sit and post information.

However, with that said…

I did turn the TV onto channel #3 Tuesday night to watch our local government in action. But wait, nothing came on. Once again, they only had a 4:30pm session. Now I understand that they don’t have enough business to push for a 7pm session, But, what about people that want to address the City Council and can’t get there in time for the early session. I mean, most people have jobs and can’t just leave them to come down to city hall…..or is that what our city government wants….

My suggestion, even if you don’t have enough agenda items for a 7pm session, at least have a public comments session then close the meeting. Or if the Council is to lazy to stick around, then how about at least having a staff member on site to answer questions take notes and share them with the City Council.

Please, make our city government more accessible to all…

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