Tuesday, May 08, 2007


So I almost forgot all about the Council meeting tonight, but tuned in time to watch the talk about the need for more cops in the City of Orange.

From what I have learned and wtaching a few meeting now, is that Mayor Cavecche is pushing to break the city's piggy bank by hiring a bunch of new police officers. I gather that the cost was well over 1 million dollars for the new cops.

an interesting fact that came during the talks is that, we here in teh City of Orange have over 160 police officers, thats a lot of them. Also, we learned that "The Block" sucks a big portion of the available police services down the drain.

Councilwoman Smith brought up a really point in regards to funding an officers, the overtime dollars is almost 2 million a year, and why don't they use the OT money and hire people, becuase that will cut the ot hours by being fully staffed.

Councilman Bilodeau, who has had his troubles with law enforcement and is still under investigation for his actions. He only agreed and felt that the City could use 4 addl officers and thanked Mayor Cavecche for bring this forward.

Councilman Dumitru, was also interested in finding a way to hire more cops, not a surprise...but what was a surprise, he asked to cut the City Council's budget in order to fund the new officers!

Counclman Murphy, only expressed concern for the budget and that there have been a number of good ideas brought forward.

Mayor Cavecche, talked about the budget and that the City could afford the addl officers and she even threaten her fellow electeds with, "I will not vote on the budget if there isn't more officers", then she also stated that she is interested in hiring 6 addl officers.

The City Manager wieghed in and shut the pocket book....and thank god right in time....

In the end, the item was asked to be studied by staff and bring back soluations.

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