Wednesday, January 10, 2007

City Council Meeting of 1-9-07

Well, I was able to attend the meeting of the Orange City Council, as I was interested in a couple of items.
The meeting ran along the lines of the past, only a couple of items were talked about in length....
1st, Smith...talked about the Hart Park Pool and its remodeling and cost. It was interesting to me in that I had no idea the City owed a pool, I called the City today and actually found out where Hart Park is located and plan to go down there later today for the kids to play.
2nd, was a thing called "Council Reorganization", which is a fancy way of saying, a vote to appoint a Vice-Mayor. Jon Dumitru was nominated and voted on and he was accepted by the Council.
3rd, Dumitru...had a report on campaign contributions, but he gave this speech on 1st amendment and how limits of donations to candidates violates free speech. the end, he came out with what he was looking for....a total elimination of contributions limits.
4th was a talk on trash, and where it will be dumped. Really got lost on the issue, I don't get it at all. In the end, WHO CARES.
5th, was dealing with graffiti, and a new ordinance to crack down on kids doing it. INTERESTING.
That was the high light on the night.
Well off to Hart Park.

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