Saturday, October 14, 2006

Voters are making up their minds!

This was just sent to me from the Orange Elections Blog. Very interesting and I encourage all to stop by for a read.

Carol Rudat and Waylnd a team that won't be getting my vote
I have seen a lot of dirt and mud via the blogs over the last couple of weeks. With that said and things that I truly believe are true I have made a couple choices. On who I won't be voting for!

Carol Rudat...a last minute candidate running for Orange City Council and wife of former Orange City Manager. It has been prven to my satisfaction that Mrs. Rudat doesn't live in Orange. It also appears to me that she is only running to get even with the current city council who fire her husband. Also found it interesting that her husband was recently fired by the County of Orange, because of Carol Rudat and her "Carpetbagging".

The Next....

Jeremy Wayland...A young candidate that in has been the biggest supporter of Carol Rudat and her game plan for a victory. He is what has been called a "spoiler" his complete campaign has been supported by Rudat as she is the puppet master. It has been great fun to watch Jeremy self-destruct and his campaign to go down in flames.

So there you have it....A couple of candidates that are not going to get my votes.

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